Very BAD Tuesday and Wednesday!!

Tuesday I ate pretty good, but blew it by wolfing down.. And I’m ashamed the large bag of lays..& Chessman cookies while watching Love Actually..( I💞that movie) Then yesterday didn’t eat all day running errands, helping my mom, and then had Burger King and flaming hot Cheetos( big bag) which I paid for all night(TMI) dang-it!
I have a portion control problem, I need to find out how to fix..soon. And I have triggers, once I eat the salty food it all goes down hill, so resisting the salt cravings, new goal, but today back on track! I’m forgiving myself for the past 2 days, and making the right choices today, it’s like an addict, 1 day at a time, 1 choice at a time.
Happy Hump Day all…FH
P.s.-And putting myself on a sleep schedule, in bed by 11pm, up by 7:30am, sleep deprivation makes you fat/unhealthy too….FH
#forgiveness, #healthy eating, #portion control


Happy Monday

I think of these first 2 weeks of my wlj as detox. Detoxing from the junk I’ve eaten for way too long, so the goal is to cleanse my palette of the sugar, salt, fatty cravings, so I’m mainly just cooking every meal ( in bulk, 4 the week ) & eating as clean as I know how (researching) & reprogramming myself. This is definitely not a race for me, I’m teaching myself as I go & unlike every other time before, not putting a specific goal weight on a time frame, what I loose in 3 months is whatever it’s going to be! So this first month is probably going to be more like adding in good habits, setting up a meal schedule (when to eat), & cooking, cooking, cooking…no more outside food (boxes, fast food, processed), Hope everyone’s having a super Monday….#1 choice at a time

First Weigh-In…OMGoodness!

Good Morning!

First weigh-in…OMG! 298lbs, wtf! ok, now to get to work, my weigh day will be Mondays. I’ll be skipping this upcoming Monday and weighing the following Monday on the 30th. I’ll be using MyFitnessPal to track calories,I’ll post my username if anyone wants to join in and support each other,  and using the setting to loose 1 &1/2lbs a week, slowly but surely. I won’t be exercising until 4-6wks in, I’ve noticed when I start everything at once I feel overwhelmed. I’ve promised myself no bulls*&t, and to document honestly, and to make sure to express how I’m feeling and document my struggles and my triumphs. I’ll be posting recipes and pictures of homemade meals, and healthy info and just..everything! I’m sure there will be a lot of randomness, as that’s how my brain works ( all over the place ),  I have to check out other peoples blogs and learn how to set mines up better and categorize stuff for access. I’m taking this 3 months at a time, 12/19/2013 end of first quarter, I’m excited to see myself in 3 months! I’m just a average woman changing her life, well starting to live it again, So… here I go…Starting to Find Hope<3

I can use all the SUPPORT I can get!

START WEIGHT: 298@ 5’7″

GOAL WEIGHT: 150-160